罐头食品的质量安全问题 一直是质检部门及消费者关注的热点, 如何在不加防腐剂的条件下延长罐头食 品的保质期,更是罐头食品生产企业在 加工中的难点。中国罐头工业协会顾问、 高级工程师杨邦英教授指出,罐头行业 在管理和封罐工艺两方面的瓶颈需要突 破:在管理方面,一是产品质量抽检的形 式,使得一部分不合格却没有被检出的 产品钻了空子,流入到市场;二是大量的 出口产品,由于国外对于产品卫生质量 的关注而忽略了产品本身的感官质量, 使得一批口感差,感官性能次的产品出 口到国外。在工艺方面,更需要各生产企 业及操作人员的重视。
The security of canned food quality is a focus spot for the quality control department and consumer all the time. And it is a difficulty point in processing for the canned food production enterprises that how to lengthen the guarantee period of the canned food under the condition of unadded antiseptic agent. Yang Bangying, the consultant of Chinese Canned Food Industrial Association, senior engineer professor, pointed out that the canned food trade should break through bottlenecks in management and sealing craft.
China Food Industry