利用美国陆地资源卫星--Landsat系列多平台、多分辨率、多时相的卫星遥感(RS)资料、全球定位系统(GPS)数据和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,通过'3S'技术集成,精确地给出了乌兹别克斯坦共和国穆龙套金矿床中心位于东经64°35'、北纬41°29'40',主矿体位于东经64°33'30'~64°36'、北纬41°29'15'~41°30'30'范围;揭示了该矿床最近约30年的开采历史:采场由1978年的1.67 km2 扩大到1992年的4.14km2,但是直至2001年采场面积仅增加0.94km2,为5.08km2.作者认为这是一种'足不出户'了解和辩识异域典型矿床某些特征的有效途径.
In this paper GIS technology, GPS data, and Landsat RS data, which are featured by multi-platform, multi-resolution, and multi-time phase, are integrated to outline the precise position of the center of Muruntau gold deposit in Uzbekistan (E64°33'30"- 64° 36', N41°29'15" - 41°30' 30") and its nearly 30 years of mining history. The mining area was enlarged from 1.67 km^2 in 1978 to 4.14km^2 in 1992, but it was only 5.08km^2 in 2001. The authors have proposed that such integration is a rapid and efficient indoor way to learn about and get known some important features of typical deposits in foreign countries.
Mineral Resources and Geology