从香蕉园和其他果园土壤中分离获得4株对香蕉枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense)具有抑制作用的拮抗菌,并对其抑菌效果和防治效果进行了测定.结果表明,bio-d4、bio-d5、bio-B3和bio—P等4株拮抗菌与香蕉枯萎病菌对峙培养5d后,在平板上产生了明显的抑菌带,其宽度为16.5~20.5mm;培养10d后,仍然保持稳定的抑菌效果;其发酵原液对孢子萌发具有显著的抑制作用,抑制率为90.5%-97.2%;bio-d4、bio—d5和bio—B3发酵液100倍、200倍和300倍稀释液的防治效果为53.3%-80.2%,显著大于bio—P和恶霉灵的防治效果.
Four antagonistic strains isolated from the soil of orchards were tested for their inhibitive activity and control efficacy against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. The results showed that, five days after incubation of the antagonistic strains ( bio-d4, bio-d5, bio-B3 and bio-p) with the pathogen in the dual test on PDA plates, inhibitive zones with 16.5 - 20.5 mm width were formed, their inhibitive efficacies maintained stable for 10 days after incubation. Antagonistic strains bio-d4, bio-d5, bio-B3 and bio-p, can significandy inhibit conidial germination of the pathogen, inhibitive rates reaching to 90.49% - 97.18%. The control efficacies of 100, 200, 300-fold diluted fermatation solution of antagonistic strains bio-d4, bio-d5, bio-B3 and bio-p were from 53.3% to 80.2%, being significantly stronger than the efficacies of antagonistic strain bio-p and hymexazol.
Journal of Zhongkai Agrotechnical College