
NSRL表面物理线站的性能测试及角分辨光电子能谱实验 被引量:1

Commissioning of beamline and ARPES experiment for the surface physics station at NSRL
摘要 介绍了中国科技大学国家同步辐射实验室(NSRL)表面物理站的调试及获得的初步结果。利用光电二极管进行了光束线光通量的测试,分别得到了3块光栅的光通量响应曲线。利用纯金样品的二次谐波和费米边分别对高能和低能部分的入射光子能量进行了标定,并给出了系统的能量分辨率。最后用同步辐射零级光和激光束对实验站的电子能量分析器进行准直,用Cu单晶样品的角分辨光电子能谱实验测试了整个系统的性能,结果表明,NSRL表面站能够满足用户开展角分辨光电子能谱实验的要求。 The determination of flux, the calibration of photon energy and the angle-resolved photoemission experiment were reported in this paper. During the process of commissioning of the station the photon flux was measured by photo-electronic diode (IRD AXUV-100) and the response curves for three different gratings were obtained, Photon energies of the whole range were calibrated using the second harmonic for high energies and the fermi edge of gold for low energies, And the resolution of the system was also calculated. At last the alignment of the electron detector was performed by the synchrotron radiation and laser beam and the ARPES for copper crystal was obtained to test the whole system. The results show that the surface station in the NSRL cart satisfy the users for their ARPES experiments.
出处 《核技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期895-899,共5页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 光束线 同步辐射 光通量 二次谐波 能带色散 Beamline, Synchrotron radiation, Photon flux, Second harmonic, Energy dispersion
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