
高、低强迫症状个体的词语再认差异 被引量:3

Difference of Words Recognition in High and Low Obsessive Compulsive Symptom Individuals
摘要 比较了高强迫症状(H igh obsessive compu lsive symptom,HOC)和低强迫症状(Low obsessive compu lsivesymptom,LOC)被试对于不同类型词语(强迫症敏感词、情绪词和中性词)再认成绩和记忆信心的差异。结果发现,HOC组记忆保存量显著低于LOC组(p<0.05),表明HOC组对强迫症敏感词存在一定的偏好;通过对被试反应信心的检测和信号侦察论的应用,发现HOC组对中性词再认正误的判断觉察能力(d’值)低于LOC组(边缘显著:p=0.054);在正确反应信心上,被试类型和词语类型间存在交互作用,F(1,22)=4.60,p<0.05。研究认为HOC组辨别能力的缺损可能导致其记忆信心方面的降低,这种假设还需要进一步的认知和脑功能研究来证实。 The current study aims to compare the word recognition performance and the confidence of the memory in the high and low obsessive compulsive Symptom Subjects (Ss). 12 high obsessive compulsive Symptom (HOC) Ss and 12 low obsessive compulsive Symptom (LOC) Ss responded to a words recognition task, which totally has 60 obsessive compulsive sensitive words ( OCSW), 60 emotional sensitive words (ESW) and 60 neutral words (NW). The results indicate that, compared to LOC group, HOC group have relatively poorer memory on OCSW(t(22) = -2. 161, p = 0.042), because they judged more new words as learned (t (22) = 1. 832, p = 0. 081 ). Particularly on the basis of signal detection analysis for the neutral words, the HOC Ss tend to have the lower d' than the LOC Ss ( t (22) = - 2.037 ,p = 0. 054). And the interaction of memory confidence between the groups and words types was significant ( F(1,22) = 4.60 ,p 〈 0.05 ). The results of the present study implicate that the disability to determine confound information is one of the causes for lower confidence of HOC Ss, but this relationship merits further study.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期753-759,共7页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
关键词 强迫症状 词语再认 信号侦察论 obsessive compulsive symptom, word recognition, signal detection theory.
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