目的:为采用基因工程技术和微生态学方法相结合来解决乳糖吸收不良及乳糖不耐受,建立此Coca-2体外细胞模型用以检测基因工程乳酸菌对乳糖细胞毒性的缓解作用。方法:采用形态学及细胞增殖活性评价此细胞模型的质量。结果:牛乳中乳糖浓度(4.8 g/100ml)及人乳中乳糖浓度(7.2 g/100ml)均能引起Caco-2细胞出现细胞毒性。但两组之间差异无统计学意义。结论:此乳糖肠细胞毒性模型的建立为基因工程乳酸菌用于治疗乳糖吸收不良及乳糖不耐受效果的研究奠定了坚实的基础。
Objective: To solve the lactose malabsorption and intolerance by combining microbiology and genetic engineering methods, this Coca-2 in vitro model was build to test the effects of the genetically engineered Lactobacteria.Methods: Cell morphological parameters and proliferation activity parameter were used to evaluate the success of the cell model. Results: Lactose concentrations in both the cow milk and the human milk (4.8 g/100ml and 7.2 g/100ml, respectively) could cause the cell toxic effects. But there were no significant statistical differences between these two concentrations. Conclusion: The success of this cell model lays a solid foundation for the study of the alleviation effects of genetically engineered Lactobacteria in lactose malabsorption and intolerance.
Modern Preventive Medicine