目的观察明视、暗视及药物散瞳状态下的瞳孔位置,评价瞳孔位置是否随瞳孔直径而改变及其与年龄、屈光不正等因素的相关性。方法运用Asc lep ion波前像差仪检测获得130例(130眼)屈光不正患者在明视、暗视及药物散瞳状态下的眼前节图像,设计软件计算图像中的瞳孔中心位置、角巩膜缘几何中心位置。结果随着瞳孔直径的增大,瞳孔中心位置始终向颞侧偏移。从明视到暗视,瞳孔直径平均由4.06 mm增至6.37 mm,而瞳孔中心平均向颞侧移动0.133 mm(t=4.604,P<0.01);从暗视到药物散瞳状态,瞳孔直径平均由6.37 mm增至7.58 mm,而瞳孔中心平均向颞上方移动0.162 mm(t=4.180,P<0.01);从明视到药物性散瞳,瞳孔中心平均向颞上方移动0.183 mm(t=7.378,P<0.01);但瞳孔中心位置的移动量与年龄、屈光不正度及瞳孔直径的改变值无显著相关性。结论瞳孔中心位置随着瞳孔直径的增大而主要向颞侧偏移同时略向上移动,但总的移动量不大。
Objective To determine whether there are systematic changes in pupil location as the changes of pupil size and other ocular variables. Methods High resolution images of the pupil in 130 eyes of 130 subjects were taken using Asclepion Wavefront Analyzer. Images were obtained under scotopic, photopic and pharmacologically dilated conditions. The central location of pupil and diameter of corneal limbus from the images were computed. Results The pupil center shifted consistently temporally as the pupil dilated. The total motion was relatively small with a mean distance of 0. 133 mm motion between the scotopic and photopic conditions and the pupil diameter changed from 6. 37 mm to 4.06 mm. The mean motion was 0. 162 mm between scotopic and pharmacologically dilated conditions with pupil diameter changing from 6.37 mm to 7.58 mm. The mean motion was 0. 183 mm between photopic and pharmacologically dilated conditions. The motions of the pupil center had no statistically significant relationships with age, refractive error or the change of pupil diameter. Conclusion Changes of the pupil center location as the dilation of pupil are not typically big, but is of a clinical significance in a few subjects, especially under pharmacologically dilated condition.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research
image analysis