Arrhythmia is a common syndrome,some patients can't turn to normal after taking various drugs.We used manoreduction of revolving cervical vertebrae and knee pressing thoracic vertebrae in accompany with hands pressing shoulder to correct anatomic displacment of cervical and thoracic vertebrae,which removed stimulation to cervical and thoracic sympathetic ganglia,restored the function of vegetative ner ous system,recovered arrhythmia and brought satisfactory reslt,therefore we called this kind of arrhythmia as cervical arrhythmia.From January 1984 to December 1993,89 cases were observed, with 22 cases recovered,47 marked improved,17 improved,and 3 ineffective.The total effective rate was 96.6%.The results remained now-a-days,esspecially the recovery cases.The resons for it are reposition of anatomic displacement,persistent cervical exercise by the patients themselves and alteration of their improper living habits(such as using high pillow and swinging head inadvertently).
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology