
美国教育券政策选择的两难困境、原因及启示 被引量:2

Dilemma,Reasons and Enlightenment of Educational Voucher Policy in the US
摘要 美国教育券政策面临的主要困境是不同政策群体在教育券政策目标认同、政策合法性和政策可行性上存在严重分歧。而根源在于不同政策理念的抵牾、不同利益集团的角力、三权分立政治体制的掣肘以及教育券政策自身局限性限制。美国的案例为我们确定教育券政策目标取向、选择什么样的政策方式和手段提供了借鉴。 What American educational voucher policy is faced with is the great disagreements between different policy groups in the recognition of the objective, legality and feasibility of educational voucher policy, and the root causes are such as the conflictions between different policies, struggle between different groups of interests, impediment caused by the political system of three separate rights and the limitations of the educational voucher policy. We can learn from what US has done in determining the objective orientation of educational voucher policy and in choosing what ways and methods of policy.
作者 李海生
出处 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第12期51-54,共4页 Theory and Practice of Education
关键词 教育券 政策选择 合法性 可行性 目标取向 educational voucher choice of policy legality feasibility objective orientation
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