

Effect of the Scheduling Result from the Interval of Prediction in Distributed System
摘要 现在分布式系统中调度组件包含了预测主机负载的算法。根据这些算法得出的结果,可以看出预测的区间长度会直接影响调度结果。为此,设计了一个模拟试验,获得了预测区间长度与调度结果之间的关系,对改进调度系统中预测算法提出了一些建议。 There are many distributed systems which have the prediction algorithm to predict host load. According to the result of these algorithms, a conclusion can be gained that the interval of the prediction is the key to the result of system balance. This paper designs a simulation test and gets the relationship of the interval of prediction and the balance of the system, and gives some advices to improve the schedule algorithm of distributed system.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第23期70-72,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 预测算法 预测区间 分布式系统 Prediction algorithm Interval of prediction Distributed system
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