
一种适用于网上谈判支持系统的改进遗传算法 被引量:2

An Improved Genetic Algorithm of Suited Web-based Negotiation Support System
摘要 为谈判问题建立便于遗传算法处理的数学模型,利用遗传算法的全局收敛性快速寻优,可并行性寻优以及模拟自然进化过程解决最优问题等优点,引入新的局部元启发搜索机制,加速搜索速度,提高搜索效率,克服传统遗传算法在处理永远难忘该类问题时出现的过早收敛,解缺乏多样性等缺陷,以便于在合理时间内产生协调解。最后,举例说明了该方法的可行性和特殊的优越性。 This paper constructs a multi object combination optimization model that can be handled easily by genetic algorithm for the negotiation problem, and then, considering the global convergence, concurrency features, is uses a new genetic algorithm that hybridizes local meta heuristic mechanism to speed the search process, improves the efficiency and overcomes shortcomings such as the premature and lacking of diversity etc. Finally, the paper gives an example to demonstrate that the proposed method is feasible and efficient.
作者 周芳 柳学坤
机构地区 咸宁学院数学系
出处 《计算机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第23期169-171,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 网上谈判支持系统 元启发 遗传局部搜索 Web-based negotiation support system Metaheuristic Genetic local search
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