With gradual resolution of such tough issues as the settlements and refugees between Palestine and Israel, various signs indicate that the sensitive issue of the belonging of Jerusalem will become the new focus in Palestinian-Israeli disputes. To explore the cultural roots of the Jerusalem issue intends to demonstrate that the true Palestinian-Israeli peace won't be realized unless the Jerusalem issue is resolved fairly and reasonably. The satisfactory settlement of the issue calls for facing up to the complicated and turbulent political history in Jerusalem, respecting special religious and cultural feelings of the Jerusalem people, and giving attentions to real interests of the Arabs and Jewry as well. The soon resolution of the issue won't do with sole dependence on the U.S., Israel and the Arab states. It also requires multilateral cooperation with China, Russia, the European Union and other international communities. It's not the U.S.-dominated mode of resolution. In a word, the Middle East peace issue will close in Jerusalem where it originates.
West Asia and Africa