

Analysis of Random Deviations in Periodically Poled Crystals on Singly Resonant Optical Parametric Oscillators
摘要 研究了周期极化晶体的随机边界偏差对准相位匹配(QPM)单谐振参量振荡器(SROs)的增益以及振荡阈值的影响,提出了一种处理该问题的合理的近似方法,推导出了QPM-SROs增益和阈值与随机偏差比率的关系式,推得的公式与已经发表的经验公式吻合。分析结果表明:随机周期长度偏差对QPM-SROs的增益和阈值的影响要远比同样大小的随机占空比偏差来得大;QPM-SROs的增益与反转畴个数的平方成正比,阈值与之成反比。 The influence of random deviations of domain boundary in periodically poled crystals on quasi-phase-matching singly resonant optical parametric oscillators (QPM-SROs) was analyzed. A mathematical method of dealing with this matter was proposed and for the first time the functions of quasi-phase-matched singly resonant oscillation's optical power gain and pumping threshold on random deviations were deduced. The formula we obtained tallies with the published experiential equation, The results demonstrate that with the same magnitude,random periodic error in periodically poled crystals will reduce a QPM-SRO's gain and drive up its pumping threshold much more largely than random duty cycle errors do.
出处 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期1403-1407,共5页 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(69978009) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Y2002G06) 教育部博士点基金资助项目(2002022048)
关键词 非线性光学 准相位匹配(QPM) 光学参量振荡器(OPOs) 随机偏差 增益率 抽运阈值 nonlinear optics quasi-phase-matching(QPM) optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) randomdeviations gain rate threshold pump power intensity
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