
领域熟悉度和提问限制对大学生提问创造性的影响 被引量:4

Effects of familiarity of fields and questioning-constrained on the creativity of question-asking of undergraduates
摘要 目的:分析领域熟悉程度和提问限制对大学生所提问题的创造性的影响,为丰富提问及创新教育研究提供理论依据。方法:于2004/04选择西南师范大学一至四年级的本科学生137人作为被试对象,采用2×2因素设计,按自变量构成设计4组题卷随机分为4个实验组,每组男女生及文理科分布基本平均。问题领域的自变量包括熟悉领域和陌生领域,熟悉领域是要求学生针对“电视机”提问,陌生领域则要求对“宇宙飞船”提问。对提问范围有无限制的自变量包括只对功能提问和自由提问。4组题卷:实验1组对电视提问;实验2组对电视功能提问;实验3组对宇宙飞船提问;实验4组对宇宙飞船的功能提问。采用团体施测。被试按题卷上的要求提问。在实验中使用统一的指导语,交卷时间为10min。提问数量限制为只能提1个。提问质量有要求为必须有创造性。采用5点量表评分(很高、比较高、一般、比较低、很低)。结合创造性的定义和本实验的具体情况,对大学生提问的创造性采用新颖性、价值性、复合指标进行评价。结果:发放题卷137份,回收125份,其中有效题卷为105份。有效率76.64%。①以提问有无限制和领域的熟悉程度为自变量,大学生在问题的新颖性、价值性和复合指标上的得分为因变量进行多元方差分析,有无限制和熟悉程度在价值性上存在着显著的交互作用(F=7.662,P<0.01);在复合指标上交互作用也显著(F=4.682,P<0.05)。②在价值性和复合指标上,电视限制问题比自由提问好;宇宙飞船自由提问比电视自由提问好。体现为1组(对电视提问)和2组(对电视功能提问)在价值性成绩差异极其显著(P<0.01),1组(对电视提问)和3组(对宇宙飞船提问)在价值性成绩差异极其显著(P<0.01);同样的差异也存在在复合指标上(P<0.05)。结论:对熟悉领域的提问限制有利于创造性问题的产生;而对于陌生领域,提问有无限制差异不明显。价值性是评判问题创造性的一个很好的指标。 AIM: To analyze the effects of different fields and questioning-constrained on the creativity of question-asking of university students, and provide theoretical foundation for the various question-asking and creativityeducation study. METHODS: During April 2004, 137 university students (from first to fourth grade) in Southwest China Normal University were selected. The 2×2 blend design was adopted in this research. According to the structure of independent variables, 4 types of questionnaire were designed. The participants were randomly assigned to 4 experimental groups. The gender and department of participants were similar in each group. These two independent variables were different field of problem (including familiar and strange field) and different categories of questioning. Familiar field group was required to ask about TV set, and strange field group was required to ask about space shuttle. Questioning-constrained group was required to ask about function, and the uneonstraint group could ask a question freely. The 4 types of questionnaire were on asking about TV set (group 1), asking about the function of TV set (group 2), asking about space shuttle (group 3) and asking about the function of space shuttle (group 4). They were detected in groups and asking based on the requirement on the questionnaire. All the participants were required to ask only a question that must be creative in 10 minutes with the same instruction. The questions were assessed by 5 degrees (most high, more high, common, more low and most low). Combining the definition of creativity and the specific situation of the experiment , the creativity of question-asking of university students were assessed by 3 indexes which were originality, value and a compound index. RESULTS: 137 pieces of paper were handed out and 125 pieces of paper were handed in, including 105 effectual questionnaires with the 76.6% effective rate. ①With or without constraint and fields of questioning was as independent variable. Scores on originality, value and a compound index of questionnaire of undergraduates were considered as dependent variable to perform multiple factors analysis of variance. Familiarity and questioning-constrained had significant interaction on value index (F =7.662,P 〈 0.01), so did on compound index (F=4.682,P 〈 0.05). ② For value and compound index, the TV constraint questioning was better than that of the free questioning. Free questioning about space shuttle was better than that of TV. Difference of value between the group 1 and group 2 was significant (P 〈 0.01 ). Difference of value between the group 1 and group 3 was significant (P 〈 0.01). Compound index had the same difference (P 〈 0.05). CONCLUSION: Questioning-constrained avails to ask creative question in familiar field. But in strange field, there is no significant difference between questioning constraint and unconstraint group. Value is a good index for judging creativity of questions.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第44期49-51,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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