以一年生和多年生黑麦草优良品种为材料,取无菌种子苗的茎尖生长点部分在加有不同浓度的2,4-D和6-BA的MS诱导培养基上诱导丛生芽发生,然后在加有不同浓度6-BA的增殖培养基上产生大量丛生芽,并长期继代培养。从丛生芽块上剥取单芽转移到生根培养基上诱导根的发生,生根植株移栽成活率达100%。本试验建立了一种诱导频率高、增殖速度快、试验周期短的黑麦草丛生芽离体培养体系。在附加适宜浓度6-BA和ABA的培养基上丛生芽可直接分化出大量花序,40 d后产生花序的芽块频率最高为81%。进而研究了光照、激素和继代培养时间等因素对黑麦草离体开花的影响。
The report presented here details a procedure for Lolium multiflorum and L. perenne in vitro propa gation using cultured shoot apical meristems at a high frequency. Shoot apices from 1-week-old aseptically germinated seedlings were cultured on MS medium containing suitable concentrations of 2,4-D and 6-BA, multiple sboot clumps were induced at a high frequency. Following this the cultures were sub-cultured on shoot proliferation medium supplemented with different concentrations of 6-BA, with the most efficient proliferation medium found 1o be MS + 2.0 mg/L 6-BA. When the shoot clumps developed into a sufficiently larger size, shoots were cut oul and transferred to a root inducing medium (1/2 MS+1.0 mg/L NAA) with white roots generally developed after 9 d of cuhure. One month later vigorous plantlets were transplanted to pots and the survival rate of the plantlets was shown to be up to 100%. The study reported here has established a system of in vitro multiple shoot clumps culture for ryegrass, which features efficient induction, rapid proliferation and only requires a short period, which in all is suilable for cellular engineering and genetic manipulation of ryegrass, lnflorescences were induced from multiple shoot clumps on suitable flower-inducing media. On the most suitable medium, the highesl frequency of flowered shoot clumps was 81 % after 40 days culture. Further the effect of light, hormone, and culture duration on in vitro flowering was investigated.
Acta Prataculturae Sinica
Lolium multiflorum
Lolium perenne
muhiple shoot clumps
in vitro flowering