对水处理行业,特别是城市污水处理行业的PLC自动化控制进行了深入的研究。同时由于水处 理行业的特殊性,所以对工厂自动化网络的要求又很高,从而使得PLC网络在整个水处理的监控系统 中起着举足轻重的作用。针对长沙市第一污水处理厂一期扩建工程项目的成功案例,具体探讨了欧姆 龙工业以太网和与第三方设备的串行通信网络。
The PLC automation control for water treatment is researched deeply, especially for city waste water treatment. Meanwhile, as the particularity of water treatment, it needs high requirements for FA ( factory automation) network so that it is important for PLC network in the water treatment monitoring and control field. Besides, OMRON PLC network has the higher quality and lower price. The OMRON industrial Ethernet and serial communication network between OMRON PLCs and other devices are discussed with the successful case of Changsha the first waste water treatment factory.
Measurement & Control Technology