针对指纹的唯一性和终身不变性的特点,提出了一种基于FPS200固态指纹传感器和TMS320VC5402 DSP芯片的快速指纹识别系统,促使指纹识别设备向小型化、嵌入式、自动化方向发展;对系统的组成原理、指纹采集和指纹图像处理方法进行了分析;结合FPS200和TMS320VC5402芯片的特性,对系统硬件核心和图像采集电路做了详细介绍,并给出系统硬件设计方案、软件设计流程;实验结果表明,系统指纹采集效率高,识别速度快,识别结果准确可靠;该系统性能稳定,实用性强,应用范围广泛。
As the uniqueness and constancy of fingerprint, a quick fingerprint recognition system based on fingerprint sensor FPS200 and DSP chip TMS320VC5402 is presented. The composing principles of the system, fingerprint collection and fingerprint image processing methods are introduced particularly. With the characteristics of FPS200 and TMS320VC5402, the core of the hardware, collecting circuit and the designs of the hardware and software are introduced in details. The results of experiments indicated that this system works with great fin gerprint collection efficiency, high recognition speed and credible recognition results. Because of the steady performance and practicability, the system will have wide application area.
Computer Measurement &Control