有人说,优秀的企业文化是企业发展的源动力。同时关于企业文化建设的话题也是层出不穷。许多企业 曾经大喊着要进行文化建设,然而随着时间的推移,这股“文化建设”之风便消失得无影无踪……近日,趋 势科技公司设立了首席文化官(CCO)一职。此举引起了业内人士的广泛关注。
It is said that excellent Enterprise development is based on its culture. Therefore, a great number of enterprises announce that our enterprise must focus on culture constructing so that we promote well in the future. However, the strategy has been ignored along with the time going in recent days. The news, set up a position called CCO by Qushi Tech. reinflame people interests to discuss about the culture constructing. As for the news, what does Qushi Tech. consider? and what do other cooperation reflect? The journalist interview the leader of the companies with the questiona.
E-Business Journal