目的:探讨利用阴道镜在健康体检妇女中发现宫颈亚临床型人乳头状瘤病毒感染(SPI)和宫颈上皮内瘤样病变(CIN)的价值及可行性.方法:将2004年5月~2005年4月在体检中选择了阴道镜检查的资料进行总结分析.结果:在1 933例阴道镜检查中,诊断为异常并取活检239例,病理组织学诊断:慢性宫颈炎26例、宫颈湿疣105例、CINI级57例、CINⅡ级26例、CINⅢ级20例、原位癌3例、早期浸润癌及浸润癌各1例.结论:阴道镜用于体检人群可大大增加早期宫颈癌及癌前病变的检出率,弥补现阶段体检中仍在广泛使用的宫颈刮片的不足,减少漏诊,提高普查质量.
Objective : To study the value and feasibility of colposcope screening human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) among healthy women. Methods: 1,963 women who received a physical examination by colposcope from May 2004 to April 2005 were studied. Results: There were 239 abnormal cases of biopsies in total of cases. Of them, there were 26 cases of chronic cervicitis, 105 cases of cervical condyloma, 57 cases of CIN Ⅰ, 26 cases of CIN Ⅱ, 20 cases of CINⅢ, 3 cases of carcinoma in situ, 1 case of early infiltrating carcinoma and lease of infiltrating carcinoma. Conclusion: Colposcope can be used to increase efficiency of screening early cervical cancer and precancerous lesion. It is useful to improve the examination quality.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning