
国外数字馆藏使用及服务绩效评价指标体系述评 被引量:51

A Review on the Statistics and Performance Evaluation Indicators System of the Electronic Library Services
摘要 上个世纪90年代中期以来,有关数字馆藏使用及服务绩效评价的问题引起了国际图书馆界和专家的高度关注,开展了很多这方面的研究。该文详细介绍了其中较有影响和代表性的三个研究项目(EQUINOX、2003年版ISO2789标准附录A及ARL E-Metrics)的研究背景及指标体系,分别从指标体系的绩效特征、构成、可获取性、实践发展及相互之间的关系5个方面进行了详细分析。 For the last few years the research on the statistics and performance evaluation of electronic library services has been paid attention by many international projects. This paper firstly introduces three research projects: ISO2789 Annes A,EQUINOX and ARL E-Metrics and their indicators system and then analyses each indicators system from five aspect such as the characteristics, the structure, the availability, the practice and the relation among each other. It finally gives out suggestion on the practice of the statistics and evaluation of electronic library services in China.
作者 张宏玲
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期63-69,共7页 Journal of Academic Libraries
关键词 数字馆藏 绩效评价 绩效指标 EQUINOX ISO2789 ARL E—Metrics Usage Statistics Digital Collection Performance Evaluation Performance Indicators
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  • 1ISO (1998) Information and Documentation - Library Performance Indicators ISO1620: 1998(E)
  • 2http://equinox. deu. ie/index. html
  • 3Peter Brophy, Zoe Clarke. LB- 5634/A EQUINOX 24471/0:EQUINOX.
  • 4Amos Lakos. Culture of assessment as a catalyst for organizational culture change in libraries, 4th Northumbria Conference Pittsburgh, PA - August 2001
  • 5Wonsik"Jeff"Shim, Charles R, McClure, et al. Measures And Statistics for Research Library Networked Services: Procedures and Issues, ARL E- Metrics Phase Ⅱ Reports












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