RS码是一种纠突发错误能力很强的信道编码方式,T urbo码是一种巧妙的将卷积码和随机交织器结合在一起,同时采用软输出并通过不断迭代的方法译码来逼近最大似然编码的一种新的纠错能力很强的信道编码方式;本文分析了两种编码方式并研究了将二者级联后RS T urbo的性能,给出了将其级联码在图像传输中的应用。
RS code is a kind of channel coding, which has the strong ability to correct the abrupt error. Turbo code combines the convolutional code and interleaving, is a new channel coding. At the same time, its decoding is to approach the maximum likelihood encoding by the soft -output and the iteractive ways. The performances of two kinds of coding and their concatenated code are analyzed. An application in the image transmission using concatenated code is offered.
Modern Electronics Technique