

On Behavior of Insurance Agency
摘要 从理论上说,商事代理是民事代理的特殊形式,保险代理是商事代理的特殊形式。某种意义上,商事代理是营利性民事代理的同义语。商事代理既是民事代理的组成部分,又是对民事代理的扩展和补充。保险代理行为中的意思表示是保险代理行为有效成立的基本前提。保险代理意思的存在,实际上表明保险代理权的存在,没有代理权,保险代理人的意思表示将不具有保险代理意思的法律效力。而“保险代理意思表示”也正是保险代理行为特殊于一般法律行为关键之所在。保险代理关系由保险人与保险代理人之间的保险代理权关系、保险代理人与投保人之间的保险代理行为关系和保险人与投保人之间的保险代理效果关系构成。前者为保险代理的内部关系;后者为保险代理的外部关系。可以说保险代理的内部关系是外部关系得以产生和存在的前提。而保险代理的外部关系是内部关系的目的和归属。 Behaviors of Agency is a special case of legal behavior,whose particularity lies in that the expression of the behavior differs from its lagal effects.Behavior of Agency is one of his own wills and dane by himself only.Its independency does not depend on whether the agent bears legal effects.In theory.,insurance agency is a special ease of commercial agency that is a special case of civil agency.To some degree,commercial agency is the same as profitable civil agency.Commercial agency is not only a component of civil agency,but also expands and complements civil agency.Expression of insurance agency is the basic premises that make behaviors of insurance agency come into exlstence.The existence of expression of insurance agency implies rights of insurance agency. Without rights of insurance agency,expresslan of insurance agent will mean nothing in law. And expression of insurance agency is the key aspect that makes behaviors of insurance differ from general legal behaviors.The relationship of insurance agency consists at the following ones:the one between insurance underwriters and agents;the one between agents and policy belders,and the one between underwriters and policy holders.The farmer is intennd while the latter is external,The internal is the premise for the existence and production of the latter while the latter is the purpose and ascription.
作者 崔泽明
机构地区 吉林大学
出处 《行政与法》 2005年第12期113-115,共3页 Administration and Law
关键词 保险 代表 行为 Insurance Agency Behavior
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