
东莞大岭山村边自然次生林群落物种组成特征及其对区域物种库的贡献 被引量:18

The Species Composition of Secondary Forest at Dalinshan in Dongguan City and its Contribution to the Species Pool
摘要 对东莞大岭山村边自然次生林(俗称“风水林”)调查表明,群落组成种类复杂并富于热带性,1hm2样地内共有维管束植物111种,隶属56科89属,其中以木本植物占绝对优势,有67种,占60.36%;群落中种子植物属为热带分布的共有74属,占总属数的92.5%。群落乔木可分三层,以越南山龙眼为主,其在各层的重要值分别为117.12%,129.44%和57.41%;灌木层以罗伞树和九节等为主;草本层植物以乔灌木小苗为主,草本植物仅沿阶草、海芋和半边旗等少数种类。群落木本植物的科、属、种对区域物种库的贡献率较大,分别为37.7%,25.6%和22.5%,以藤本植物的贡献率最高,接近50%,乔灌植物的贡献率也在20%左右。与鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林比较,两者物种组成结构相似,但组成种类仍有一定差距。 The characteristic of species composition in 1 hm^2 plot of the monsoon evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest at Dalinshan Town in Dongguan City center of Guangdong Province were analyzed. The result showed that there are 111 species of vascular plant (56 families, 89 genera), most of them (60.36%) are woody plants. Most of spermatophyte genera (74 genera, 92.5 % of all) of the community are tropical distribution. Based the structure and height of the populations the tree layer should be divided into 3 sub-layers which Helicia cochinchinensis (IV are 117.12%, 129.44% and 57.41% respectively from upper to low) is dominant species all. Ardisia quinquegona and Psychotria rubra are dominant species in shrub layer, and most species of herb layer are seedling of tree and shrub. The contribution rate of the tree species of the community to the species pool of Dongguan City is 37.7% for families, 25.6% for genera and 22.5% for species, and is 16.9% for the tree layer, 23.5% for the shrub layer and 48.9% for the liana. Compared the community with the typical monsoon evergreen broad -leaved forest of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, the result showed that the species structure is similar but the species composition is not.
出处 《广东林业科技》 2005年第4期18-22,共5页 Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
关键词 村边次生林 物种组成 优势种 物种库 secondary forest around village, species composition, dominant species, species pool
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