利用ANSYS软件的FLOTRAN CFD功能,对离心泵叶轮三元流动进行计算分析,预测叶轮性能。当叶轮水力设计完成后,指定某些工况,给定相应的边界条件,对叶轮进行CFD计算,计算出叶轮中的压力和流速分布,得出其进出口压差与流量、流量与叶轮计算扬程的关系曲线,为改进叶轮的设计提供可靠依据。
The FLOTRAN CFD of ANSYS soft was used to calculate and analyse the flow field inside the pump impeller, and to predict its performances. The 3-D flow analyzing was carried out in this work. After the impeller was designed, the CFD of the flow field in the impeller was performed for many work status. The distributing of pressure and velocity of the flow field had been worked out. The performance curves, the change of the impeller discharge followed the change of pressure difference of the impeller inlet-exitand and the change of calculated impeller head followed the change of the discharge, were drawn. It was used to improve the design of the impeller.
Fluid Machinery