目的:了解抑郁症患者的应付方式特点及对抑郁症状作用. 方法:对184例患者,平分为研究组(药物治疗+应付方式指导)和对照组(单纯药物治疗),治疗2个月.于治疗前和治疗后分别采用应付方式问卷和汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评定应付方式与疾病的严重程度和疗效. 结果:抑郁症患者所选择的应付方式主要是自责、退避和幻想,而相对较少使用解决问题、合理化和求助;抑郁症状的严重程度与应付方式各因子除合理化相关性不明显外,与其余因子均存在显著相关.治疗后研究组与对照组应付方式各因子比较除合理化因子外差异均有显著性(P<0.01~0.05). 结论:应付方式影响抑郁症状,通过应付方式指导可以提高抑郁症治疗效果.
Objective: To understand the features of coping styles and explore its effect on depression. Method: 184 patients with depression were devided into two groups, and assessed with the coping styles questionnaire and Hamilton depression scale(HAMD) before and after the treatment. One group was treated by the drugs and guidance to coping styles, the other group was treated by tile simple drugs. Results: The coping styles of patients were mainly self-accusions,withdrawal and imagination, but less chose problem-solving, rationalization and seeking-help. The severity and therapeutic effects of the depression are significantly related to the coping styles except for the factor of rationalization. After the treatment, there were significantly differences between the two groups except for the factor of rationalization( P 〈 0.01 -0.05). Conclusion: The coping styles influence the symptoms of depression, directing of coping styles can enhance the efficacy in patients with depression.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
coping styles