A veterinary drug residue database was created in Belgium, which contains a carefully judged inventory of analytical methods which may be considered as candidates for standardization after validation. The methods were classified as “high reliability”or “limited reliability”according to their conformity with the criteria described in Commission Decisions 93/256/EEC and 93/237/EEC. rhe database atso contams toxicmogical crater on consumer health, an estimation of the Belgian consumption of meat, an inventory of the European and Belgian legislation with regard to drug residues in animal products, commercially available agents (antisera, immunoassay kits, radioactive and other tracers etc. ), qualitative and quantitative data about the monitoring programs performed by the Belgian Institute of Veterinary Inspection and Ministry of Agriculture and chemical and physical data about the residues found in food products of animal origin. This database is available on the Internet at http://cemu10. fmv. ulg. ac. be/OSTC.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug