草地资源是国民经济可持续发展的重要保证,面对我国日益严峻的草地资源生态环境恶化现象,适时地开展草地资源规划工作是十分必要的。ArcGIS是集数字制图和数据库管理为一体的空间信息系统,利用ArcGIS强大的制图功能,可以方便、高效的进行草地资源规划专业地图的制作,再加上它的数据库管理和空间分析查询检索功能, 为今后对草地资源实施动态管理与保护利用提供了强大的技术支持。
Grassland resources are the important assurance to the sustainable development of the national economy. The plundering exploitation of resources had broken the ecosystem and caused sandy meadow and salinization degradation of grassland. In face of the severe phenomenon of grassland resources, it is very essential to develop the layout of grassland resources timely. ArcGIS is a space information system which integrates the digital mapping and database management function of the ArcGIS, we can easily draw out the layout picture which we need.With the database management function, space system and index function, ArcGIS can offer powerful technology supporting for the effective management of grassland resources in the future.
Journal of Sichuan Grassland