
关于语言符号的任意性和非任意性 被引量:3

On Arbitrariness and Non-arbitrariness of the Linguistic Sign
摘要 在语言符号任意性和非任意性的研究中,存在着两个需要商榷的问题:(1)语言的任意性和非任意性到底指什么;(2)任意性和非任意性的关系如何。二者并非水火不容、非此即彼,而是互补共存、相辅相成,在语言的多个层面上共同成为语言组织中的两大功能性原则。 In the studies of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of the linguistic sign, two major problems remain to be clarified :( 1 ) What does it mean by arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness in linguistics? The answer to the question will be a prerequisite for discussing all of the relevant issues. As a polysemous notion, arbitrariness is characterized by multiple components and various manifestations. Non-arbitrariness includes iconicity and motivation, and it is in opposition to, and mutually explanatory with arbitrariness. (2)What is the relationship between arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness? They are not diametrically opposed to each other, but dialectically interdependent since both of them are the functional principle of language organization.
作者 李二占
出处 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2005年第4期431-434,442,共5页 Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)
关键词 索绪尔 语言符号 任意性 非任意性 象似性 理据性 Saussure linguistic sign arbitrariness non-arbitrariness iconicity motivation
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