Governmental policies on HIV infection in China
Governmental policies on HIV infection in China
This article is a general review of the evolvement of HIV/AIDS-related public policies in China since 1980’s. It tracks the important laws, regulations and other governmental documents in regard to HIV/AIDS prevention mainly at central level.
1Regulations Concerning the Monitoring and Control of AIDS.Ministry of Health, China. 1988.
2Border and Quarantine Law. National People's Congress, People's Republic of China. 1986.
3Law of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control. National People' s Congress, People's Republic of China. 1989.
4Methods of Implementation of the Law of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control. Ministry of Health, China. 1991.
5Law of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control. National People's Congress, People's Republic of China. Revision in August 2004.
6Law for Protection of Mother and Infant. National People's Congress, People's Republic of China. 1995.
7Notice for Promoting the Condom Use for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control. State Council, People's Republic of China. 2004.
8Recommendations on Strengthening AIDS Prevention and Control.State Council, Ministry of Health, PRC. 1995.
9Law of Blood Donation. National People's Congress, People's Republic of China. 1997.
10Responsibilities of Ministries and Depaitments of State in AIDS Control and Prevention. State Council. People's Republic of China. 1997.
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