
部分端面抽运板条激光器腔镜倾斜问题研究 被引量:6

Sensitivity to Mirror Tilt of Off-Axis Hybrid Resonator for InnoSlab
摘要 部分端面抽运的板条激光器是一种新型固体激光器,配合混合腔可以实现在大功率下保持高光束质量的激光振荡输出。谐振腔的腔镜倾斜是影响激光器输出特性的重要因素,快速傅里叶方法是一种快捷有效的计算方法,利用此方法模拟了腔镜倾斜对近场相位分布和远场光强分布的影响,并分析了光束质量的变化。理论分析表明,腔镜的小角度倾斜对近场相位影响较大,但对远场光强空间分布影响不大;随着倾斜角度不断增大,远场发散角和光束腰宽度也增大,光束质量虽然存在恶化的趋势,但光束质量因子M2值仍然较小,离轴非稳腔仍能保持高光束质量的输出。 Partially end-pumped slab laser is an innovative solid state laser. Combining the hybrid resonator with partially end-pumping, the output power can be scaled at high beam quality (called lnnoSlab), The misalignment of resonator is important to the laser output character. By fast Fourier-transform (FFT) algorithm, the near-field phase and far-field intensity distribution with different mirror obliquity were simulated. The analysis showed that the near-field phase distribution is greatly influenced by mirror tilt, and the far-field intensity distribution is not affected greatly; the far-field divergence angle and beam waist width are increased, but the M^2 value is still small.
作者 王宁 陆雨田
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期1593-1598,共6页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
关键词 激光技术 腔镜倾斜 快速傅里叶算法 离轴混合腔 laser technique mirror tilt fast Fourier-transform algorithm off-axis hybrid resonator
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