PB(Pow erBu ilder)是Sybase公司推出的一种优秀的数据库开发工具,利用它的数据窗口控件可以快速地开发出一个数据管理系统。现在许多单位很注重报表的格式,需要不同类型的报表,所以必须提高报表格式的多样性。虽然我们可以利用PB设计出具有打印功能的窗口,但是由于格式是事先规定好的,用户很难根据需要进行修改。而W ord是大家熟悉的一种文字处理工具,具有强大的编辑与打印功能,如果能够将数据源动态地导入到W ord文档中,然后在W ord中调整和打印,用户的自由度就比较大。通过实例介绍一种通过OLE技术将数据嵌入到W ord文档的方法。
PowerBuilder is an excellent database-developing tool by Sybase company,with the fast datawindow exploiting data management system. At present,more and more companies pay special attention to the format of report tables of various kinds. Although we can design a window with print function with the help of PB,it is very difficult for the users to edit it because the format is fixed and can not be modified. Therefore, if we can import the data source into word document ,it will be very convenient for the users to modify and print it in word environment. This paper is to introduce a method to import data source into word document using OLE technique.
Journal of Chengde Petroleum College