Purpose: To observe the therapeutic effect of radio-frequency current therapy and TDP plus electroacupuncture in treating chronic prostatitis. Methods: The WE210-3 type radio-frequency current apparatus made in Dalian and TDP plus electroacupuncture were adopted to treat 35 cases of chronic prostatitis, each treatment lasted 40 min, and 15 times made up a course of treatment, 2-3 courses in all. Results: Twelve cases was cured, 10 cases was remarkably effective, 8 cases was effective, 5 cases got no effect, with the total effective rate being 62.9%. Conclusion: The radio-frequency current therapy and TDP plus electro-acupuncture had a better effect on chronic prostatitis.
目的:运用微波射频并TDP加电针治疗慢性前列腺炎疗效观察.方法:采用大连产WE2102-3型射频治疗机并TDP加电针治疗慢性前列腺炎35例,每次治疗40 min,15次为1个疗程,共2~3个疗程.结果:痊愈12例,显效10例,占有效8例,无效5例,总有效率62.9%.结论:体外微波射频合并TDP加电针治疗慢性前列腺炎是一种有效方法,能促进慢性前列腺炎的康复.