Movement-needling Technique, a new acupuncture therapy, is based on traditional acupuncture therapy and anatomical principle, combining acupuncture and movement. Combining disease and syndrome differentiation, and integrating TCM and Western medical diagnosis, this technique is used to treat different diseases mainly with acupuncture,combining some movement in needling. These movements not only boost therapeutic effects of acupuncture, but also add new contents to traditional acupuncture.
Movement-needling Technique, a new acupuncture therapy, is based on traditional acupuncture therapy and anatomical principle, combining acupuncture and movement. Combining disease and syndrome differentiation, and integrating TCM and Western medical diagnosis, this technique is used to treat different diseases mainly with acupuncture, combining some movement in needling. These movements not only boost therapeutic effects of acupuncture, but also add new contents to traditional acupuncture.