目的探讨99mTc-HL91乏氧显像9、9mTc-M IB I亲肿瘤显像及CT检查诊断肺癌的价值。方法50例经病理确诊的肺肿瘤患者行99mTc-HL91乏氧显像9、9mTc-M IB I亲肿瘤显像及CT检查,比较分析诊断特性。结果3种方法诊断肺癌的灵敏度相互比较差异无统计学意义9。9mTc-HL91乏氧显像的特异性明显高于99mTc-M IB I亲肿瘤显像和CT,准确率高于99mTc-M IB I亲肿瘤显像,与CT比较差异无显著性。3种方法联合诊断肺癌的灵敏度、特异性和准确率分别为96.9%、100%和98%。结论99mTc-HL91乏氧显像诊断肺癌有较高的临床价值,联合99mTc-M IB I亲肿瘤显像和CT检查可进一步提高诊断的准确性。
Objective To investigate the value of ^99mTc - HL91 hypoxia imaging, ^99mTc - MIBI tumoraffin and computered tomography(CT) in the diagnosis of lung cancer. Methods The ^99mTc- HLgl hypoxia imaging, ^99mTc- MIBI tumoraffin and CT were performed in 50 patients with lung neoplasm confirmed by pathology. Results There was not significant difference in the sensitivity of three imaging ex- amination methods. The specificity of ^99mTc - HL91 hypoxia imaging was obviously higher than that of ^99mTc - MIBI tumoraffin and CT. The accuracy of ^99mTc -HL91 hypoxia imaging was higher than that of ^99mTc - MIBI tumoraffin, and had not significance difference with that of CT. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the combination of three imaging examination methods in the diagnosis of lung cancer were 96. 9%, 100% and 98%, respectively. Conclusion The ^99mTc - HLgl hypoxia imaging is valuable in diagnosing lung cancer and the diagnostic accuracy may be further improved with the combination of ^99mTc - MIBI tumoraffin and CT.
Journal of Chinese Physician