对采自澳大利亚Camperdown钛闪石分别进行了浓度为1,2和3 mol/L的盐酸溶解实验,溶解时间分别为:110,170,245,335,455,605,785,995,1235和1505 min。浸蚀后的酸液用ICP-AES进行了金属阳离子浓度测定;残余固体则用X射线衍射法和红外吸收光谱进行了研究。实验表明,酸浓度愈大,角闪石阳离子的浸出浓度也愈大。这与一般的硅酸盐矿物的溶解规律相一致。此外,阳离子的溶出量主要受晶体结构制约,连接相邻工字梁的B位离子优先溶出。致使在溶出液中Ca2+浓度与其它八面体阳离子的浓度比大于分子式中的比值。基于对未浸蚀样品和浸蚀后残余固体的X射线衍射和红外吸收谱研究可知,阳离子的溶出并未造成闪石结构中硅氧骨干的变化。
The dissolution of kaersutite sampled from Camperdown of Australia in 1, 2 and 3 mol/L hydrochloric acid was nm, and the dissolution time was set at 110, 170, 245, 335, 455, 605, 785, 995 and 1235 and 1505 minutes, respectively. The leached solution was analyzed by ICP-AES, and the residues were studied by X-ray diffraction and infrared absorption spectroscopy. It is shown that the higher the concentrations of hydrochrolic acid, the higher the leaching concentrations of cations in the solution. It follows the dissolution regulations of ordinary silicate minerals. In addition, as the concentrations of cations are inhibited mainly by the crystal structure, the cations in B sites which link the close I-beam were preferentially released into solution. This factor led to a larger ratio of the Ca^2+ concemration over the total concentration of other cations in solution than that in the formula. Based upon X-ray diffraction and infrared absorption data of un-leached and leached samples, it is shown that the release of cations does not destroy Si - O bond in kaersutite structure.
Acta Mineralogica Sinica