目的:对人民大众日常需求量最大的蔬菜、猪肉作农兽药残留和非发酵性豆制品质量进行检测,以便究其原因,更好落实“菜篮子”食品卫生质量。方法:按无公害蔬菜GB 18406.1-2001、无公害畜禽肉GB 18406.3-2001标准有关项目检测的规定,用GC和HPLC及GC/M S法检测蔬菜中农药15种和猪肉与脏器含盐酸克仑特罗兽药的残留,非发酵性豆制品检测按GB 2711-2003标准有关项目检测的规定执行。结果:蔬菜样本共计530份,质量合格率为87.74%;猪肉与脏器样本共计347份,质量合格率为98.85%;非发酵性豆制品样本共计205份,质量合格率为21.46%。结论:蔬菜与生猪在种养殖过程切实有效控制禁用农兽药,是当前首要解决、保证市售质量的根本性问题;非发酵性豆制品质量不理想,经检测与调查认为和多因素并存有关联,值得共同研讨。
Objective To carry out Vegetable Basket Project better, vegetables, pork and nonfermented bean products on sale in Ningbo City were inspected for the residues of pesticides and clenburerol. Method According to the National Standard of Vegetables without public hazard (GB18406.1-2001) and the National Standard of Meat without public hazard (GB18406.3-2001), vegetables are determined for 15 kinds of pesticides, pork and viscera are determined for clenbuterol with the methods of GC ,HPLC and GC/MS , and non- fermented bean products are determined according to GB2711-2003. Results 530 samples of vegetables, 347 samples of pork or viscera and 205 samples of non-fermented bean product were examined,the qualified rates were 87. 74%, 98. 85 % and 21.46%, respectively. Conclusion Taking effective measures to control the use of pesticides or drugs forbidden during agricultural planting or animal feeding is the most important solution to ensure the safety of the food mentioned above. The bad result of nonfermental bean products was linked to so many factors that need to be discussed together.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
nonfermental bean products