
绵羊夏伯特线虫外生性发育的研究 被引量:3

Cultivation and Devdopment of Sheep Chabertia ovina egg in vitro
摘要 把绵羊夏伯特线虫(Chabertiaovina)虫卵置于消毒粪便培养基内,于25℃温箱内及17℃(±2℃)室内进行培养。结果表明:在25℃下经40~44h第一期幼虫逸出卵壳,62~69h完成第一次蜕皮成为第二期幼虫,162~189h完成第二次蜕皮成为第三期幼虫;第三期幼虫肠细胞呈矩形,共32个,尾鞘长0.175~0,220mm,生殖原基距头端0.345~0.381mm;在室内培养的虫卵发育缓慢,约经10d才发育为第三期幼虫。 The eggs of Chabertia coina in sheep faceal cultures were cultured at 25℃ hothouseand at room temperture(17±2℃).Eggs hatch into lst stage larvae in 40 44 hours at 25℃ andmolt to the 2nd stage larvae in 62 69 hours and molt to 3rd stage in 162 189 hours.The 3rdstage larvae measures 0. 680 mm in length including the heath.The intestine is bordered by 32rectangular cells.The genital primordium is 0.345 0.38 1mm from the anterior end.The tailsheath is 0.175 0.220mm length.At a temperature of 17±2℃,eggs development was slowerand reached the 3rd stage larvae in 10 days.
作者 康明 陈刚
出处 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》 1996年第5期12-13,共2页 Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
关键词 绵羊 夏伯特线虫 虫卵发育 羊病 Sheep,chabertia ovina,egg,development
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