
插值细分曲面三角剖分研究 被引量:1

Research of triangulation of interpolating subdivision surfaces
摘要 把三维参数化曲面的离散化算法应用到三角网格表示的离散曲面上。用一种可生成C1阶连续曲面的插值分割技术———改进蝶形算法,重新构造极限面。用推进波前法在物理空间直接离散化,所以不需要进行参数化。 An algorithm for the discretization of parameter 3D surfaces was extended to the family of discrete surfaces represented by triangular meshs of arbitrary topology. The limit surface was reconstructed from the mesh using the modified Butterfly scheme, an interpolating subdivision technique yielding a C^1 surface. The recovered surface was discretized directly in the physical space by the advancing front technique. Thereby parameterization of the surface was not required. The performance of the proposed strategy was presented with an examole.
作者 顾耀林 周军
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期146-148,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 3D曲面 离散曲面 推进波前法 插值细分 3D surface discrete surface advancing front interpolating subdivision
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