
半自动化制备多种氟标药物模块的初步探讨 被引量:2

A Pilot Study of Semiautomatic Synthesis Module for Preparing Multiple Fluorine-18-labeled Radiopharmaceuticals
摘要 改进现有设备实现18F-FLT和18F-FECh等多种氟标药物的半自动化制备。通过对美国CTI公司生产的18F-FDG化学合成模块(CPCU)改进并增加部分装置完成了以上药物的半自动化合成。经过多次实验,改造后的模块合成18F-FLT和18F-FECh的产率分别达到37.3%±3.1%和37.2%±4.7%,较手工操作分别提高了3倍和1倍,合成时间各由100 min和90 min缩短到50 min和45 min,产品的放化纯度均大于98%。该设备可半自动化合成多种氟标药物,为临床和科研工作带来了便利。 To improve FDG synthesis module Chemical Processing Control Unit (CPCU) manufactured by CTI for producing ^18F-FLT and ^18F-FECh, the ^18F-FDG module is modified. Additional devices are designed and added for performing the purification of fluorine- 18-labeled radiopharmaceuticals. Repeated experiments show that the radiochemical yields of 18F-FLT and 18F-FECh are (37.3±3.1)% and (37.2±4.7) %, and three times and one time higher than manual operation as well, the total synthesis time is shorten to 50 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. Radiochemical purities of both ^18F-FLT and ^18F-FECh are more than 98%. Multiple fluorine-18-1abeled radiopharmaceuticals can be prepared by using the semiautomatic synthesis device.
出处 《同位素》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第4期233-236,249,共5页 Journal of Isotopes
关键词 化学合成模块 半自动化 氟标药物 chemistry synthesis module semiautomatic fluorine-18-labeled radiopharmaceuticals
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