

The judgment of environmental rights and interests of the examination and approval of environment impact statement.
摘要 环境影响报告书(EIS)审批包括对项目方案可能的环境影响及其可能的公众环境权益侵害的判断.环境保护部门应当分别根据科学技术标准和忍受限度标准对项目方案可能的公众环境权益侵害进行实体考量.建立EIS审批的正当法律程序是预防和保障公众环境权益不受侵害和环境保护部门依法行政的需要. The examination and approval of environment impact statement (EIS) include the judgment of possible environmental impact of project and its possible infringement on public's environmental rights and interests. Environmental protection bureaus should substantially measure the possible infringement on public's environmental rights and interests by the project respectively in accordance with scientific and technological standards and endurance limitation standards. Establishing due legal process for examination and approval of EIS is necessary to prevent and safeguard public's environmental rights and interests against infringement, and also necessary for environmental protection bureaus to administrate by law.
作者 汪劲
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期756-760,共5页 China Environmental Science
基金 教育部优秀青年教师资助计划(2001-39)
关键词 环境影响报告书 审批 公众 环境权益 environment impact statement examination and approval the public environmental rights and interests
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