
著名历史学家李学勤先生访谈录——早期特殊的读书治学经历(少年—1954) 被引量:1

An Interview to the Well-known Historian—Mr. Li Xue-qin ——A Unique Experience in His Early Pursuit of Study
摘要 作为当今负有盛名的历史学家、考古学家、古文字学家和文献学家,李学勤先生早期的治学经历却十分独特。从小酷爱读书,对符号有特殊的兴趣;他希望学习数理逻辑,考进了清华大学哲学系。考进去之后,由于自学甲骨文颇有成绩,被借到中科院考古研究所参加编著《殷虚文字缀合》;再由于认识史学大师侯外庐先生的原因,又从考古所调到了历史二所做侯先生的助手,跟随侯外庐先生做思想史研究(直到“文革”后,李先生才完全回到先秦这一段从事研究工作,另文撰述)。 As a well-known contemporary historian, archeologist and expert in the study of paleography and document. Mr. Li xueqin has an otherwise unique experience in his pursuit of study. He has been keen on reading books ever since he was a young boy, and has had a special interest in the study of signs. He hoped to study mathematical logic, so he applied for entrance to philosophy department of Qinghua University. After he entered the university, he was on loan to archeological research institute to join the compiling of composition of characters found in the Yin ruins for his outstanding achievements in his self-study on inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of Shang Dynasty. Because he encountered great master of the science of history-Mr. Hou wailu later on, He was again on loan to the second research institute of history to serve as assistant of Mr. Hou, carrying on a study of ideology history under the guidance of Mr. Hou wailu. (Until after “the Cultural Revolution”, Mr. Li came back to his study of pre-Qin history, which will be accounted in another article).
出处 《邯郸学院学报》 2005年第4期5-8,18,共5页 Journal of Handan University
关键词 李学勤 治学经历 历史学家 考古学家 古文字学家 Li Xueqin experience in the pursuit of study historian archeologist expert in paleography
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