
纤维宫腔镜直视下输卵管插管诊断和治疗输卵管梗阻 被引量:1

The diagnosis and therapy to oviduct obstruction by tube insertion under fiber-hysteroscope
摘要 目的:评价纤维宫腔镜直视下输卵管插管诊断和治疗输卵管梗阻的临床治疗效果。方法:选择经输卵管通液、碘油造影诊断为输卵管因素不孕的患者135例,对其进行纤维宫腔镜直视下输卵管插管通液,确诊是否有输卵管梗阻;对真性梗阻的输卵管在宫腔镜下直接行导丝疏通术,比较插管通液前后以及插管疏通术治疗前后输卵管的通畅情况。结果:135例不孕症患者261条输卵管,经插管确诊梗阻输卵管57条,治疗成功率为73.3%。结论:纤维宫腔镜直视下输卵管插管通液及疏通术,是诊断和治疗输卵管梗阻的一种安全、有效、简便的方法。 Objective:To evaluate the diagnosis to oviduct obstruction and the therapeutic efficacy of the tube insertion under fiber-hysteroscope. Methods: 135 infertile women were chosen. Their infertility were related to fallopian tube and diagnosed by hydrotubation and hysterosalpingography. They all accepted tube insertion into fallopian tube under fiber-hysteroscope in order to make a definite diagnosis of the obstruction. A guiden wire was inserted into the obstructed oviduct to dredge it under the fiber-hysteroscope, then comparing the smoothy degree of the oviduct before-and after treatment. Results:There were 261 oviducts in the 135 infertile women and 57 of them were obstructed. The successful rate of tube insertion is 73.3% in the 57 obstructed oviducts. Conclusions:The method of the tube insertion under fiber-hysteroscope is safe, valid and convenient to diagnosis and therapy of oviduct obstruction.
出处 《腹腔镜外科杂志》 2005年第6期347-348,共2页 Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
关键词 纤维宫腔镜 输卵管梗阻 输卵管插管通液 输卵管疏通术 Fiber-hysteroscope Oviduct obstruction Hydrotubation by tube insertion Oviduct dredging skill
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