
代谢性酸中毒犬脑脊液[HCO-_3]与Pco_2的关系 被引量:1

Relationship between cerebrospinal fluid HCO - 3 concentration and cerebrospinal fluid P CO 2 in acute metabolic acidosis in dog
摘要 作者旨在探讨代谢性酸中毒时脑脊液(CSF)[HCO-3]与PCO2的相互关系。两组代谢性酸中毒模型均由静脉内输入0.2mol/LHCI产生,[HCO-3]a1h内下降到(122)mmol/L。实验6h时CSF[HCO-3]:1组(正常碳酸血性代酸)下降了1.6mmol/L;组(低碳酸血性代酸)下降了7.0mmol/L.CSF[HCO-3]与CSFPco2,显著正相关(r=0.834,P<0.0l).结果说明代谢性酸中毒时CSF[HCO-3]并不受[HCO-3]a的明显影响,主要取决于CSFPco2的变化,其调节机制与脉络丛上皮细胞内CO2的水化作用和CA活性有关。 The present experiment was designed to study the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) HCO - 3 concentration and CSF P CO 2 in acute metabolic acidosis. The acid base variables of both arterial blood and CSF in two groups of dogs were determined. (1) Five dogs were kept isocapnic while metabolic acidosis was induced. The cisternal CSF HCO - 3 registered only a 1.6 mmol/L drop six hours later and was not significantly different from control. (2) In five dogs metabolic acidosis was induced while the dogs were mechanically hyperventilated. CSF HCO - 3 dropped by 7 mmol/L six hours later. Remarkably different from control, CSF HCO - 3 showed a significant positive correlation with CSF P CO 2 ( r =0.834, P <0.01). These results suggest that CSF HCO - 3 is dependent upon P CO 2 but not evidently upon [HCO - 3]a. The formation of HCO - 3 in CSF is closely related to P CO 2 and the activity of carbonic anhydrase.
出处 《第四军医大学学报》 1996年第4期277-279,共3页 Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
关键词 酸中毒 代谢性 脑脊髓液 酸碱调节 acidosis, metabolic cerebrospinal fluid choroid plexus blood brain barrier acid base regulation
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