目的探讨心肌核素显象对扩张型心肌病和缺血性心肌病的鉴别价值。方法 对26例 扩张型心肌病和31例缺血性心肌病进行99mTc-MIBI心肌灌注显像,并观察其心肌灌注特点的不同。 结果 57例患者中可以看出缺血性心脏病的核素显像与扩张型心肌病明显不同,缺血性心肌病以完全 缺损为主要特征占93.5%(29/31),而扩张型心肌病以均匀减低和/或花斑样改变而无完全灌注缺损占 88.5%(13/26和10/26),两组间比较有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论静息99mTc-MIBI心肌灌注显 像对鉴别缺血型和扩张型心肌病有较高的应用价值。
ObjeeUve To investigate the diagnostic effects of rest 99^m Te-MIBI tomography in patients with isehemie or dilated eardiomyopathy. Methods Twenty-six patients with dilated eardiomyopathy and 31 patients with isehemie eardiomyopathy underwent 99^m Te-MIBI tomography. As well as different distribution were found in both groups. All the patients were performed coronary angiography, Results All the eases had abnormal rest 99^m Te- MIBI images, In DCM group, 88. 5% (13/26 and 10/26) had reduction of the radioactivity and patchy pattern; while in ICM group, 93.5% (29/31) had complete defect segment, and no patchy pattern was found. Conclusions Rest 99^m Te- MIBI tomography can be used to differentiate patients with isehemie from those with dilated eardiomyopathy and is better correlated with the results of coronary angiography.
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University