依据CENTUM CS1000集散控制系统的应用实践,介绍了越南太钢3200m3/h制氧工程中该系统的硬件、软件配置,并列举了典型的控制回路,阐述了系统所实现的功能。CENTUM CS1000系统具有良好的开放性、可靠性,满足制氧长期、稳定、安全、高效的运行要求。该系统自投运以来未发生任何故障,目前CENTUM系统在我厂制氧机系统已得到进一步的推广和应用,同时也为同类机组检测控制系统改造提供了宝贵的经验。
Based on the application and practice of Centum CS1000 in oxygen making system in Vietnam Tisco,the paper introduced the configuration of hardware and software of control system in its oxygen station of 3200m^3/h. Typical control loop together with its functions was discussed in detail. Centum CS1000 control system has good opening and reliability, can guarantee oxygen making system's running steadily, safety with highefficiency in long-term period. No failures have been occurred since the system is put into use. Now CENTUM system have found more application in oxygen making system of our plant, and meanwhile, it provided valuable experience for the reconstruction of measurement and control unit of same kind.
Mining And Metallurgy