1Michael D. Swaine, Taiwan Relations Act: The Next 25 Years http://www.carnegieendowment.org/programs/china/chinese/Research/USC hinaRelations/Taiwan-RelationsAct.cfm.
2Michael D. Swaine ,"Non - Military Considerations: Evolving Trends and Policies in the US, China, and Taiwan ", http://www.carnegieendowment.org/programs/china/chinese/Research/USChinaRelations/Swaine.cfm.
3"Political and Security Developments in the Taiwan Strait" A Panel Discussion with Kenneth Lieberthal, Michael Swaine and David M. Lampton. http://www.nixoncenter.org/index.cfm?action = showpage&page=taiwanstrait.
4Michael D. Swaine ,"Non - Military Considerations: Evolving Trends and Policies in the US, China, and Taiwan",http://www. carnegieendowment,org/programs/china/Chinese/Research/USChinaRelations/Swaine, cfm.