From an institutional perspective, the paper analyzes the three variables related to the formative process of the European Union's Common Commercial Policy (CCP), namely competence distribution, power relationships and decision-making procedures, so as to identify the institutional factors having influence on mapping out the Common Commercial Policy. Fighting for competence over trade issues between the Commission and member states was clearly reflected in the changes of the EC/EU Treaties texts. Lack of Community competence has long been a shortcoming for the CCP, and even the Constitution did not authorize the Community to have exclusive competence over all areas of Common Commercial Policy. The Commission is merely an agent and implementer in CCP and seriously dependent on the Council of Ministers and its subordinate institutions, especially the so-called “133 Committee”. The European Parliament and the European Court of Justice keep at bay those on the Commission. The decision-making mechanism “unanimity” extensively adopted by the Council of Ministers has had a fairly great impact on CCP policy making and execution. Even if Qualified Majority Rule is applied, member states often will seek to pass the resolution unanimously, which is the historical legacy of the “Luxemburg Compromise”. All these factors contribute to curbing and handicapping the coherence and effectiveness of the Common Commercial Policy.
Common Commercial Policy Competence Distribution Power Relationship Decision-making Procedures Policy Effectiveness