This paper utilizes the Gray System to create a model predicting China's total energy production and consumption from 1995 - 2000. The model indicates that growth of the electric power industry will be relatively stable. However, due to fluctuations in production, further development of oil and coal will bring insufficient results. During the period of the Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996 - 2000), the gap between production and consumption of energy re-
sources will gradually increase. By the year 2000, energy production will reach 1287 Mtce, while consumption will top 1482 Mtce, the shortfall correspondingly increasing from 5 to 200 Mtce. China's energy situation during the Ninth Five-Year Plan cannot be considered optimistic. In order to solve the country's energy problems, it will be necessary to implement a comprehensive energy development program ; further develop the oil, coal, and electric power industries; and increase investment in energy construction projects, while at the same time concentrating on exploiting all energy saving opportunities.
International Petroleum Economics