3Donald Nuechterlein, National Interests and Presidential Leadership: The Setting ofPriorities, Westview Press, 1978, p.3.
4The Commission on America' s National Interests, America ' s National Interests, July 2000, p. 2. http://www. nixoncenter. org/publications/mongraphs/nationalinterests. pdf
8Joseph Nye, "The Case for Deep Engagement", Foreign Affirs,Vol.74, No.4, Jul y/August 1995, pp.90- 102; Kenneth Lieberthal, "A New China Strategy", Foreign Affairs, Vol. 74, No.6, November/December 1995,pp.35 -49.
9Condoleezza Rice, "Promoting the National Interest", Foreign Affairs, Vol.79, No.1, January/February 2000, pp.45-62.
10Samuel Huntington, "The Erosion of American National Interests",Foreign Affairs, Vol.76, No.5, September/October 1997, pp.28-49.