
低质指纹图像的增强方法 被引量:2

Enhancement Method for Low Quality Fingerprint Images
摘要 基于G abor滤波器的低质指纹增强技术,对区域掩模及脊线频率的计算进行了改进。区域掩模的计算采用方向场的局部确定性水平方法,使得后续计算脊线频率时只对前景块进行操作,可以提高系统运行速度。在对前景块计算脊线频率时,可以通过设置参数来解决非良好正弦波形问题。该方法在国际标准指纹库及自己采集的指纹库上进行实验,实验结果表明,本文方法增强效果有明显的提高。 An improved enhancement method based on the Gabor filtering technique is proposed. Firstly, an improved calculation method of the region mask is suggested. Then, parameters for the ridge frequency calculation are determined according to the fingerprint sensors. By utilizing these parameters, problems of the noninusoidal-shaped wave for the fingerprint projection can be effectively resolved. The method is tested with the FVC2004 fingerprint database. Experimental results show that the enhancement result of the method is improved.
出处 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期440-443,共4页 Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金(60427002)资助项目
关键词 指纹增强 GABOR滤波 区域掩模 脊线频率 fingerprint enhancement Gabor filtering region mask ridge frequency
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